
Zvembira  means  ‘things related to mbira’. It can be mbira music, the people who play, make and listen to mbira. It can be about the instruments, the culture or anything that you can think of related to mbira!

The goals are

  • To provide a platform to talk about and discuss issues related to mbira
  • To highlight major events happening around the world
  • To celebrate the great mbira traditions of Zimbabwe


Most dear to us is to put Zimbabwean voices at the heart of what we do. 


Sometimes you pick something up and you can’t let go. That in a nutshell is my story with mbira. 

My name is Takudzwa Mukiwa.

Over the years I have met many people with fascinating and enriching stories to tell. all related to mbira.  Many of the stories from many Zimbabwean voices I’ve met and know  sometimes do not get the platforms to be heard. So, here we are. A place where i can work with some of the great people I know to curate things in a way that allows many voices to be heard. 

I write, curate and more or less get to play editor though I prefer to see myself as more of a curator of content. 

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